Renewable Energy Engineering

CFD Project Outsourcing

Outsource your CFD project to the MR CFD simulation engineering team. Our experts are ready to carry out every CFD project in all related engineering fields. Our services include industrial and academic purposes, considering the ANSYS Fluent software's wide range of CFD simulations. By outsourcing your project, you can benefit from MR CFD's primary services, including CFD Consultant, CFD Training, and CFD Simulation.

The project freelancing procedure is as follows:


An official contract will be set based on your project description and details.


As we start your project, you will have access to our Portal to track its progress.


You will receive the project's resource files after you confirm the final report.


Finally, you will receive a comprehensive training video and technical support.

What is Renewable Energy Engineering?

The discipline of engineering known as Renewable Energy Engineering focuses on the research, development, and use of various technologies that can be used to generate power from renewable sources. This can come from various sources, such as the sun, the wind, the water, geothermal heat, or biomass. Engineers specializing in renewable energy strive to design and create new technologies that can tap into various energy sources. They also seek to improve existing systems to make them more productive and cost-effective.

Engineers specializing in renewable energy may work on various projects, including designing and constructing solar panels and wind turbines, developing energy storage devices, and integrating renewable energy into existing power infrastructures. They might also work on projects that are associated with energy efficiency, such as the Design of buildings that are more energy-efficient or the development of technologies to reduce the amount of energy that is consumed in industrial operations.

As the world strives to move away from the use of fossil fuels and toward the use of more sustainable energy sources, engineering for renewable energy is becoming an increasingly significant field. As a result, it is a field that provides many prospects for advancement and expansion, in addition to the possibility of having a substantial effect on the natural world and society.

Renewable energies are forms of energy that are infinite in terms of availability. Examples include solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. The benefits of the widespread implementation of these forms of energy are clear. They have a less environmental impact, more labor-intensive job creation, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, and unlimited availability. Renewable energy engineering is an emerging discipline.

Besides, green energy is the type of energy produced from energy sources that are environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. It includes all renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower. Green energy is often considered concerning issues such as cogeneration and heating. Industrials can purchase it to support environmentally friendly living by reducing environmental impacts that occur when conventional methods of generating are used. By doing so, industrials assist in increasing the energy dependence of their country. Today, energy or green certificates can be purchased to support green practices. Many organizations are seriously looking into becoming green in their day-to-day operation, so a course in Green might be just what you need right now.

Renewable Energy Engineers will cover Wind, Solar, Hydro, Geothermal, and Biomass and identify and develop sustainable systems for electricity generation. This will include a broad knowledge of renewable energy sources and technologies, assessing the feasibility of alternative energy options, and making recommendations based on site-specific resource characteristics. Like energy engineers, renewable energy engineers can be responsible for several things. For example, a renewable energy engineer may serve as a researcher or consultant, examining ways to improve energy extraction projects to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Or a renewable energy engineer may work in the mechanical sector, designing machines and other devices to harness energy more efficiently.

How can CFD simulation be applied in Renewable Energy Engineering Industries?

1 2Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been firmly established as a fundamental discipline for advancing research on energy engineering. The CFD simulation methods enable engineers working in the renewable energy industry to understand the physical phenomena better, simulate designs, and optimize equipment or machinery without leaving the web browser. CFD can be a valuable tool in early Design by providing a full range of analyses, including fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, and thermodynamics.

A wide range of renewable energy equipment can benefit from CFD simulations. From turbines, rotors, blades, and other components to photovoltaic panels, valves, recipients, junctions, boilers, and heating machines, design engineers and mechanical engineers can virtually test and optimize products in less time and at a significantly lower cost just by using this simple, yet powerful tool.

In the field of Renewable Energy Engineering, the simulation technique known as CFD (Computerized Fluid Dynamics) can be utilized in a variety of different ways. Here are several examples:

Wind energy

CFD simulation can be used to evaluate wind flow across wind turbines, which can assist engineers in optimizing the Design of the turbine blades for optimal efficiency. This can help reduce the cost of wind energy production. The wake effect of wind turbines may also be studied using CFD, which can assist engineers in designing wind farms that are more effective and have a negligible negative influence on the surrounding environment.

CFD for Optimizing the Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Developed markets based upon wind energy technology have arisen with the means to efficiently transform available wind energy into a valuable form of energy such as electricity. The primary core of this technology is the wind turbine, a type of turbomachinery that transfers mechanical energy through blades, converting one form of energy to another. The wind potential is distributed irregularly throughout the world. The northern and western parts experience higher winds than the southern parts, illustrating that conventional wind turbines cannot provide comparable performance throughout. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) can be altered to improve their performance and self-starting capabilities.

Compared to the HAWT, the main benefit of the VAWT is the Omnidirectional capabilities allowing it to utilize the wind energy in any wind direction and consequently not require a yaw and pitch system which adds significantly to the cost.

Using CFD, the wind turbine’s performance can be maximized by changing the geometry and configuration of the model.

Solar energy

CFD simulation may be used to evaluate air flow over solar panels, which can assist engineers in optimizing the Design of the panels for optimal efficiency. Solar energy is an example of this type of energy. Studying the thermal performance of solar panels is another application for CFD, which can assist engineers in developing more effective systems with a longer lifespan.

CFD for Improving the Solar Collector

Heating and household hot water systems consume far more energy than other domestic appliances, representing the most significant proportion of CO2 emissions from domestic energy consumption. As part of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions,  solar water heating has been widely promoted as one of the most practical energy-saving measures. Solar water heating systems use solar energy at the point of use and decrease the need for fossil fuels; they are generally designed to meet 90%  of the heating demand in summer. Up to 50%  of the heating demand averaged over 12  months. Then solar thermal systems have encountered a high interest over the last years in many locations worldwide.

Nowadays, the dynamic thermal behavior of solar collectors has been numerically developed using several numerical models. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes have been widely used to model these solar thermal collectors to understand thermal behavior better and optimize these solar systems.

Hydro energy2 4

CFD simulation can be used to evaluate water flow across hydro turbines, which can assist engineers in optimizing the Design of the turbines for optimal efficiency. One use of this technology is in the field of hydro energy. Studying water flow in reservoirs and rivers is another application for CFD, which can assist engineers in constructing more effective hydropower facilities.

CFD in the Case of Tidal Turbine

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is becoming an ever-increasingly powerful tool for assessing the performance of tidal generators. In the hands of an experienced CFD practitioner, realistic tide profiles can be applied to the simulation to gain valuable insight into the performance of conceptual designs earlier in the design process.

Many challenges associated with tidal turbines differentiate them from wind turbines. For example, the length scales associated with their operation are significantly higher than those found around wind turbines. The turbulent inflow’s influence dramatically affects performance and wake regions, ultimately affecting the model’s accuracy.

Geothermal energy

CFD simulation can be used to evaluate the flow of fluids in geothermal reservoirs, which can assist engineers in optimizing the Design of geothermal power plants for optimal efficiency. This can be accomplished through the usage of geothermal energy.

In general, CFD modeling can assist engineers working in industries related to renewable energy engineering in optimizing the Design of renewable energy systems to achieve the highest possible levels of efficiency and sustainability while reducing the negative impact those systems have on the surrounding environment.

This article covered a small number of CFD applications in improving Renewable Energy Engineering. The Renewable Energy Industry is full of applications for CFD, from the Vertical axis Wind turbine to solar chimneys. Fluid dynamics are fundamental to most facets of Renewable Energy. Although full-scale prototypes are standard for later stages of development, Design and optimization during earlier stages can be significantly accelerated with CFD studies.

MR CFD services in the Renewable Energy Engineering Industries

With several years of experience simulating various problems in different CFD fields using ANSYS Fluent software, the MR-CFD Company is ready to offer extensive modeling, meshing, and simulation services. Our simulation Services for Renewable Energy simulations are categorized as follows:

  • Vertical axis Wind turbine (Savonius, Darrieus, Giromill …)
  • Horizontal axis wind turbine (a single-blade, two-blade, three-blade …)
  • Solar water heater
  • Solar collector (parabolic, flat plate …)
  • Using wind velocity in a windcatcher
  • Tidal turbine
  • Solar air heater
  • Using wind velocity for cross and single-side ventilation
  • Solar Chimney

HAWT and VAWT Comparison (Mesh Motion and MRF)

3 2In this lesson, we will simulate fluid flow as it goes over two different forms of wind turbines. These wind turbines have vertical axis turbines (VAWT) and horizontal axis turbines (HAWT). Different modeling approaches must be considered when modeling these distinct kinds of wind turbines because the rotational motion of the blades will be different from the global coordinate systems.

The capability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to describe fluid flow as it passes through turbomachines is one of the most exciting uses of CFD for engineers. Turbomachines are machines that rotate and transform the kinetic energy of fluid flow into the rotating motion of other machines, such as turbines, or vice versa, in the case of pumps.

As was said before, the VAWT rotates around an axis perpendicular to the flow direction. In contrast, the HAWT are turbomachines that rotate around an axis parallel to the flow direction.

To put it another way, the most accurate way to model the rotational motion of a VAWT would be to use mesh motion and ensure that the rotating zone and the stationary zone are linked with an interface boundary. Additionally, the simulation needs to be carried out transiently to account for the movement of the mesh in a rotating fashion.

However, the user must use the frame motion technique to model HAWTs and assign the desired rotating speed to the turbine blades. They do not need to be concerned with steady or non-steady time studies. Such a strategy would, however, result in the omission of certain time-dependent events. This is the method’s drawback.

Also, it will be explained how a user can define different reports such as lift, drag, and moment for blades of any turbine and acquire various findings and data regarding the motion of turbomachines, both of which would be of great value when creating such structures. In addition to this, it will also be explained how an individual can design such structures.

You will learn how to simulate the rotational motion of turbomachines by employing two of the most well-known models, mesh motion and frame motion, by following the steps in this tutorial. Mesh motion is recommended to create an accurate model of turbomachines with a rotating axis that is not perpendicular to the flow direction (VAWT). However, the frame motion technique is required to simulate rotating structures such as HAWT successfully.

MR CFD  conducted numerous outsourced simulation projects for industrial and researched Renewable Energy Engineering applications. With several years of experience simulating various problems in various CFD fields using ANSYS Fluent software, MR CFD  is ready to offer extensive services of simulation configurations.

Renewable Energy Engineering MR CFD Projects

There are several MR CFD simulation projects in Renewable Energy engineering. Following are some examples of CFD simulation projects. Within the realm of renewable energy engineering, there is a great deal of CFD projects. The following are examples of projects that have either been finished or are still in progress:

Wind turbine optimization

CFD simulations will be incorporated into this project to optimize the Design of wind turbine blades to achieve the highest possible operational effectiveness. The simulations can give the engineers a better understanding of wind flow over the blades and help them locate places that could benefit from modifications.

The Darrieus wind turbine: Proposal for a new performance prediction model based on CFD

In a wind turbine known as a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), the main rotor shaft is oriented in a direction that is perpendicular to the ground and transverse to the direction of the wind. As a result of this configuration, VAWTs are available to collect wind energy from all azimuth angles. The Savonius wind turbine, which operates based on the generation of drag, the Darrieus wind turbine, which operates based on the generation of lift, and the H-type wind turbine, are the three varieties of VAWTs.

The H-type wind turbine is similar to the Darrieus design; the only difference is the blades. We will be attempting to test a related study titled “The Darrieus wind turbine: Proposal for a new performance prediction model based on CFD” as part of this project.

  • The problem numerically simulates Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We perform the simulation using a Reference Article and validate the power coefficient.
  • We use the Sliding Mesh model to rotate the wind turbine rotor.

4 1Wind tunnel and numerical study of a small vertical axis wind turbine

The ANSYS Fluent software models the airflow simulation that covers a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) in this particular issue. This CFD project is carried out, and a CFD investigation is carried out.

The simulation was constructed with the help of a reference paper titled “Wind Tunnel and numerical study of a small vertical axis wind turbine.” Its findings are analyzed and evaluated in light of the findings presented in the paper.

  • The problem numerically simulates Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • This project is validated with a reference article.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 1650940.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use the Mesh Motion method to define rotational motion.

Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) over HAWT Turbine 

When it comes to the Design and study of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) blades, Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) is a vital issue to consider. The CFD simulation is a robust tool for examining the fluid flow around the HAWT blades. Adding FSI into the simulation can produce a more realistic picture of the turbine’s operation.

The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of fluid-structure interaction over the HAWT turbine involves coupling a fluid dynamics solver with a structural mechanic’s solver. This makes it possible for the fluid flow and the deformation of the turbine blades to interact with one another. This connection can help to discover areas of excessive stress and deformation in the blades of the turbine, which can lead to the failure of the blades and a reduction in the turbine’s performance.

Modeling the flow of fluid around the HAWT blades using a CFD solution such as ANSYS Fluent is required for the simulation. Additionally, modeling the deformation of the blades using a structural mechanic’s solver is required for the simulation. The two solvers are connected so they can work together to model the interaction between the fluid flow and the blade’s deformation.

The simulation has the potential to offer beneficial insights into the performance of the HAWT turbine, including the stresses and deformations endured by the blades, as well as the impact these factors have on the overall efficiency and power production of the turbine. This information can be used to improve the overall performance of the HAWT turbine and Design the turbine blades themselves to achieve optimal efficiency.

The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of fluid-structure interaction over the HAWT turbine is an essential instrument for engineers and researchers in the wind energy business. The simulation has the potential to offer insightful information on the Performance of HAWT turbines, which can lead to the generation of wind energy that is both more efficient and effective.

  • The problem numerically simulates the Fluid-Structure Interaction over HAWT Turbine using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • The mesh grid is generated using ANSYS Meshing, and the element number equals 3,465,821.
  • The Mesh Motion method is used to rotate the turbine.
  • The FSI model analyses the total strain and stress over the turbine.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Training Package

This training package comprises eight CFD simulation projects on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) created with the ANSYS Fluent software. MR-CFD recommends this package to individuals interested in engineering renewable energy, particularly turbine analysis. This software walks you through various turbine designs and teaches you how to simulate them, considering a broad range of mathematically relevant studies.

First, validate a paper associated with Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) using ANSYS Fluent software to perform a CFD simulation. Following the validation of our computational fluid dynamics methods, we compare the flat and serrated airfoils to investigate the distinct structures that contribute to the Darrieus turbine’s overall performance. After that, we will move on to simulating additional types of VAWT, such as H-Type turbines and other designs of helical and Savinius turbines.

Study this excellent hands-on training package. You can confidently say that you are an expert in modeling and understanding every CFD simulation related to horizontal axis turbines and the phenomena they produce. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Training Package5 1

This training bundle comprises 8 CFD simulation projects using ANSYS Fluent software related to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT). MR-CFD proposes this package to persons interested in renewable energy engineering, notably wind turbine analysis. This software walks you through various turbine designs and teaches you how to simulate them, considering a broad range of mathematically relevant studies.

First, start with two simple 3-blade Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) with different structures to become familiar with these kinds of turbines. Then, we evaluate the turbine base effect and investigate a wind farm. Next, we will simulate the duct effect on HAWT performance and explore more advanced HAWT models, such as Liam F-1 wind turbines. Finally, it is time to investigate the sound creation with HAWT, considering two different acoustic models, Broadband and F-WH.

Study this fantastic hands-on training package. You can confidently say that you are an expert in modeling and understanding every CFD simulation related to horizontal axis turbines and the phenomena they produce. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

Aerodynamic Analysis of an Airborne Wind Turbine with Three Different Aerofoil-Based Buoyant Shells using Steady RANS Simulations

Airborne wind turbines, often known as AWTs, are innovative and potentially helpful for generating renewable energy. AWTs use a tethered airplane to gather wind energy at high altitudes, where wind speeds are often higher and more steady. This allows for greater efficiency. The aerodynamic analysis of AWTs is a crucial stage in designing and optimizing these types of devices.

One can numerically validate AWT aerodynamic study papers using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation tools like ANSYS Fluent. Prevalent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software called ANSYS Fluent can be utilized to model the flow of fluids around an AWT and evaluate how well it functions.

For those interested in studying ANSYS Fluent CFD simulation, various training packages are available, some explicitly tailored to AWT aerodynamic analysis. These training packages often include various educational resources, such as online courses, video tutorials, and practice activities.

The training session uses ANSYS Fluent to simulate fluid flow around the AWT, including the aerodynamic forces acting on the turbine blades. The program guides users through establishing the simulation, specifying the geometry and mesh, establishing the conditions for the fluid flow, and analyzing the simulation outcomes.

Engineers and researchers who are actively involved in the process of designing and optimizing AWTs are the target audience for the training program. The course can assist engineers in developing the skills and knowledge required to use CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent optimally to improve their AWTs’ Design and Performance.

Engineers and researchers involved in the Design and optimization of AWTs will find the ANSYS Fluent CFD Simulation Training for AWT Aerodynamic Analysis a beneficial resource overall. Because of this training, engineers will be able to build the skills and knowledge necessary to use CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to optimize the Design and Performance of their AWTs, which will result in the generation of renewable energy that is both more efficient and effective.

Evaluation of the Performance of solar devices

This project will entail running CFD simulations to evaluate the performance of solar panels in various environments. Engineers may use the simulations to understand better how solar radiation affects the panels’ performance and how to optimize the Design of the panels best to achieve the highest possible efficiency level.

Productivity estimation of single-slope solar still: Theoretical and numerical analysis

With the help of the ANSYS Fluent software, the current problem attempts to model the surface evaporation process within a solar desalination system. This CFD project is carried out, and a CFD investigation is carried out. The material in this simulation was taken from a reference paper titled “Productivity estimation of a single-slope solar still: Theoretical and numerical analysis,” The simulation findings are compared and validated with the results found in the reference article.

6 1In a broad sense, evaporation is a surface process that can occur at any temperature on the surface of a liquid. This simulation aims to create a single-slope solar still that contains a specific volume of water at a specific elevation. The glass that makes up the solar still’s sloping surface acts as the medium via which heat is transferred from the water’s surface to the rest of the still. As a result of the water receiving heat from the solar radiation transmitted through the glass, the water’s surface will rise, ultimately leading to surface evaporation.

  • The problem numerically simulates the performance of phase change materials (PCM) in a storage tank using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 2-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We Mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software.
  • The mesh type is Structured, and the element number equals 8200.
  • A reference article validates the current project.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use the Mixture Multiphase model to define air, water, and vapor.
  • We used a UDF to define a mass transfer between water and vapor based on surface evaporation.

Solar Air Conditioning Training Package

This training package comprises nine different CFD simulation tasks that may be completed using ANSYS Fluent. These projects are centered on solar air cooling and occur in various settings. This program comes highly recommended by MR-CFD for anyone interested in Renewable Energy Engineering, in particular Solar Energy analysis. Using this program, you will become familiar with various project descriptions and designs and the process of simulating those projects while considering the results of various connected studies.

First, we will begin the training program with a straightforward assignment focusing on solar radiation’s impact on a home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. Afterward, we will conduct an investigation into the radiation at various times during the course of a single day. After that, we evaluate the influence of more detailed effective structures like shadings, diverse facade designs, and balconies on a house’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system using CFD modeling. After that, we simulate radiation that affects buildings such as offices, mosques, and petroleum tanks. In conclusion, we will look into a detailed CFD analysis of the Urban Heating Island, also known as the UHI.

Study this fantastic and helpful training package. You can say that you are an expert in modeling and evaluating any CFD simulation connected to solar radiation and its applications. For example, you can declare that you are an expert in the solar ray tracing model. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

Solar Still Desalination Training Package

This training package includes five CFD tasks that require the use of the ANSYS Fluent software and are all relevant to the CFD simulation of solar still desalination. MR-CFD recommends this program to everyone interested in Renewable Energy Engineering, specifically Solar Energy analysis for the Clean Water approach. You will be given an overview of various project descriptions and designs and instructions on how to simulate those projects while considering a wide variety of studies that are associated numerically.

We will begin the training package with a paper validation on a Single Slope Solar Still to verify the CFD methodology we have applied using the Mixture Multiphase Model. Then, using the VOF multiphase model, we will examine double-slope solar still desalination. Last, we conclude by simulating step solar still using sun ray tracking and the Species Transport model.

Nearly every one of these simulations for solar still analysis requires a UDF to impose Surface Evaporation as the primary mechanism that must be used to determine the mass transfer rate. Suppose you study this tremendous and practical training program. In that case, you can say that you are a specialist in modeling and evaluating every CFD simulation relevant to every sort of solar still desalination and its applications. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

Radiation Training Package

This CFD training package has been produced for users of the ANSYS Fluent software at the BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE, and ADVANCED levels interested in the Radiation modules. The package also includes ten practical exercises. The Radiation CFD Simulation Training Package in ANSYS Fluent is a complete training program that covers the use of CFD simulation for assessing radiation heat transfer in industrial applications. This training may be found in ANSYS Fluent. The bundle contains various educational resources, such as online courses, video lessons, and practice activities.

7 1The training course teaches participants how to utilize ANSYS Fluent to simulate radiative heat transfer in several industrial settings, such as combustion chambers, furnaces, and heat exchangers. The program guides users through establishing the simulation, specifying the geometry and mesh, establishing the conditions for the fluid flow, and analyzing the simulation outcomes.

Engineers and researchers involved in designing and optimizing industrial equipment where radiation heat transfer is a crucial element might benefit from the Radiation CFD Simulation Training Package in ANSYS Fluent. This training package was developed for use in ANSYS Fluent. The course has the potential to assist engineers in the development of the skills and knowledge required to apply CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to Optimize the Design of their equipment and its Performance.

The product comes with various training resources created to cater to various learners with varying skill levels and approaches to education. The video tutorials provide step-by-step guidance on how to use ANSYS Fluent to set up and execute simulations. At the same time, the online courses offer a complete understanding of the theory and practice of radiation heat transfer modeling.

The Radiation CFD Simulation Training Package in ANSYS Fluent is a significant resource for engineers and researchers involved in designing and optimizing industrial equipment where radiation heat transfer is critical. The Radiation CFD Simulation Training Package in ANSYS Fluent comprises several training modules. The training can help engineers develop the skills and knowledge necessary to use CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to optimize the Design and Performance of their equipment, which can lead to more efficient and effective industrial processes.

Thermal performance analysis of solar parabolic trough collector using nanofluid as working fluid: A CFD modeling study

The current issue models the heat transfer process inside a parabolic solar collector tube with water flow.

This numerical simulation was carried out based on the reference paper titled “Thermal performance analysis of solar parabolic trough collector using nanofluid as working fluid: A CFD modeling study,” and the findings have been compared and validated with the results that are presented in the article by using the software known as ANSYS Fluent.

The most recent iteration of the model includes a conduit through which water moves while being illuminated by the sun. Behind the tube is a parabolic plate that absorbs the solar radiant energy. This plate is also responsible for absorbing the heat energy generated by the sun’s radiation and then reflecting it.

In this instance, only the pipe through which water flows is modeled. As a result, the wall of the water pipe is separated into two sections: the top wall and the bottom wall. In addition, the water pipe has an aluminum wall running through it.

  • The problem numerically simulates the Parabolic Solar Collector with Nano Fluid using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We Mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software.
  • The mesh type is Structured, and the element number equals 1475000.
  • This project is Validated with a reference Article.

Solar Collector Training Package

This training bundle comprises seven tasks that use the ANSYS Fluent software and are all relevant to the CFD simulation of solar collectors. This program comes highly recommended by MR-CFD for anyone interested in Renewable Energy Engineering, in particular Solar Energy analysis. You will be given an overview of various project descriptions and designs and instructions on how to simulate those projects while considering a wide variety of studies that are associated numerically.

We begin the training package with two papers to verify our CFD approach. These papers are on Parabolic Solar Collectors with Nano Fluid and Evacuated U-bend Solar Collectors. After that, we will look into some basic CFD assessments, such as those of parabolic, conical, and flat plate solar collectors, while considering conjugated heat transfer (CHT). Following that, we will discuss more advanced types of solar collectors that use FMHPA and PCM.

Study this excellent hands-on training package. You can confidently declare that you are an expert in modeling and analyzing all CFD simulations linked to all types of solar collectors and their applications. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

Effects of geometric parameters on the Performance of the solar chimney power plants

With the help of the ANSYS Fluent software, we propose to simulate solar chimney power plants as part of this project. We aim to compare and validate the findings in the article “Effects of geometric parameters on the Performance of the solar chimney power plants.” This CFD project is carried out, and a CFD investigation is carried out.

Solar chimney power plants are a sort of renewable energy technology that generates electricity from solar energy by utilizing a tall chimney as the primary component of the power plant. In most cases, the chimney’s height is measured in hundreds of meters, and the solar collector is situated at the bottom of the chimney. As the air in the collector warms up, it is forced upward via the chimney, turning a turbine and producing power.

Simulation using CFD is a valuable method that may be used to evaluate the efficiency of solar chimney power plants. Modeling the fluid flow and heat transfer within the chimney and collector using CFD simulation is possible, as is modeling the aerodynamic forces acting on the turbine blades.

Using tools such as ANSYS Fluent, numerical validation of Solar Chimney Power Plant CFD simulation papers is possible. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program ANSYS Fluent is prevalent and may be used to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer within the chimney and collector and the aerodynamic forces acting on the turbine blades.

8 1Validating the results of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation is an important stage in designing and optimizing solar chimney power plants. The simulation findings can be validated by either being compared with experimental data or with the results of other simulations that have already been validated.

In general, the validation of Solar Chimney Power Plant papers through the use of CFD simulations is a significant step in the development of this renewable energy technology. It can be of assistance to engineers and researchers in better understanding the Performance of Solar Chimney Power Plants, which can lead to the creation of renewable energy that is both more efficient and effective.

  • The problem numerically simulates Solar Chimney Power Plants using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We mesh the model with ICEM software.
  • The mesh type is Structured, and the element number equals 6000000.
  • This project is simulated based on a reference Article and validated its results.

Conversion of wave energy

This research will include applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to design and optimize wave energy converters. Engineers may better understand how waves interact with the converters by doing simulations, which can also assist them in locating areas in which improvements can be made.

Oscillatory Wave and its Effect on Fin Motion

Using the ANSYS Fluent software, the current challenge attempts to model the rotating motion of a fin as it moves through a two-phase flow field while being affected by a constructed Oscillatory Wave flow. This CFD project is carried out, and a CFD investigation is carried out.

  • The problem numerically simulates the Rotational Motion of a Fin under the influence of Oscillatory Wave flow using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 2-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We Mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 120049.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use the two-phase VOF model to define the flow field containing the water and air.
  • We use Dynamics Mesh to define the deformation of the grid around the moving wall.
  • We determine only one degree of freedom (1-DOF) to rotate the fin.
  • We use a UDF to define the reciprocating motion of the wall that causes the wavy flow.

Hydro turbine design

The Design of hydro turbines is the focus of this project, which uses CFD simulations to design and develop hydro turbines that are as efficient as possible. Engineers can use simulations to understand better how water flows over the turbines and find places that could benefit from modifications using these tools.

Water Turbine CFD Simulation Training Package

This training package includes ten CFD simulation projects that may be completed with the help of the ANSYS Fluent software. These projects are all in some way connected to different kinds of water turbines (both horizontal and vertical axes). MR-CFD recommends this program to anyone interested in Renewable Energy Engineering, particularly turbine analysis. This software walks you through various water turbine designs and teaches you how to model them, considering various numerically relevant studies.

The training program should begin with two paper validations relating to a lift-based in-pipe water turbine utilizing the mesh motion method and the performance of a horizontal axis tidal current turbine by blade configuration utilizing CFD simulation. Both of these papers should be started with the training package.

Following the validation of our Computational Fluid Dynamics methodology, we investigate various types of well-known water turbines (Darrieus, Pelton Wheel, Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST), Water Wheel, Kaplan, Francis Turbine, etc.) utilizing a variety of CFD methods (Moving Mesh, Frame Motion (MRF), Fluid Solid Interaction (FSI), Dynamic Mesh, Cavitation, Multiphase VOF model) while taking into consideration a variety of turbine configurations.

After completing this incredible hands-on training program, you can confidently declare that you are an expert in modeling and analyzing any CFD simulation linked to water turbines and applications. After that, you’ll be prepared to work as a CFD engineer in one of the associated fields.

9Performance of horizontal axis tidal current turbine by blade configuration

The current project mimics a horizontal-axis water turbine using ANSYS Fluent software. The CFD simulation results are compared and validated using the publication “Performance of horizontal axis tidal current turbine by blade configuration.” The water flows at a velocity of 1 m.s-1 and passes the water turbine; Therefore, by colliding the water flow to the turbine blades and creating a torque force on the blades, a rotational motion is obtained in the turbine blades, which causes a rotational flow for the surrounding water around the blades. The present model is designed in three dimensions; Thus, the sections connected to the turbine blades are in the shape of airfoil type S814.

  • The problem numerically simulates Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We Mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 7270222.
  • This project is simulated and validated with a reference article.
  • We use the Frame Motion (MRF) to define a rotational movement.

FSI Method for Water Turbine

In this study, an unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was performed using the ANSYS Fluent program to analyze water flow around a vertical water turbine. It is hypothesized that the passage of the fluid through the turbine blades exerts a force on the body of the turbine, which in turn causes the body of the blades to either deform or resize as a result of the force. This is the situation that we are dealing with at the moment. As a result, the current issue calls for two different liquid and solid solutions simultaneously; hence, the FSI approach and the coupling between the fluid flow and the Transient Structural are utilized to solve the issue.

A practical method for evaluating the efficiency of water turbines is the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) method for Water Turbine CFD Simulation. To simulate the interaction between fluid flow and the turbine blades’ deformation, it is necessary to couple a solver for fluid dynamics with a solver for structural mechanics.

When it comes to studying the FSI approach for water turbine CFD simulation, there are a few different training programs that you may choose from. These training packages often include various educational resources, such as online courses, video tutorials, and practice activities.

The training program uses ANSYS Fluent, a well-known CFD software, to simulate the fluid flow around the water turbine blades. Additionally, the curriculum covers using ANSYS Mechanical to model the blades’ deformation. The program guides users through establishing the simulation, specifying the geometry and mesh, establishing the conditions for the fluid flow, and analyzing the simulation outcomes.

The training program has been developed specifically for academics and engineers actively designing and optimizing water turbines. The training can assist engineers in developing the skills and knowledge required to apply CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to Optimize the Design of their water turbines and the Performance of those turbines.

The product comes with various training resources created to cater to various learners with varying skill levels and approaches to education. The video tutorials provide step-by-step directions for using ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS Mechanical to set up and run simulations. At the same time, the online courses offer a complete understanding of the theory and practice of FSI simulation. The courses may be found on the FSI Simulation Institute website.

Engineers and researchers interested in the Design and development of water turbines will find the FSI method for Water Turbine CFD Simulation Training a beneficial resource overall. This course can assist engineers in developing the skills and knowledge necessary to use CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to optimize the Design and Performance of their water turbines, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective hydroelectric power generation.

Geothermal reservoir simulation

This research employs CFD models to simulate fluid flow in geothermal reservoirs, referred to as the geothermal reservoir simulation. Engineers can better understand how to maximize the efficiency of the Design of geothermal power plants with the assistance of simulations.

These are just a handful of the many CFD projects that are currently being worked on in the field of Renewable Energy Engineering. CFD simulations are a robust tool for improving the Design and Performance of renewable energy systems, and their importance is growing as the demand for renewable energy continues to expand. CFD simulations can help optimize the Design and Performance of renewable energy systems.

Renewable Energy Industrial Companies

There are a significant number of manufacturing firms that are active participants in the field of renewable energy. The following are examples of some of the largest and most well-known companies:

Tesla is a corporation primarily recognized for its electric automobiles but is also significantly involved in the renewable energy sector. Tesla’s electric vehicles are among the most advanced in the world. The company already produces solar panels and systems for energy storage, and it is also trying to develop new technologies for the creation of renewable energy and the storage of that energy.

10Vestas: Vestas is a Danish firm that is one of the world’s significant makers of wind turbines. Vestas is known simply as “Vestas.” More than 80 countries have been served by the firm’s installation of wind-generating capacity totaling more than 100 GW.

Siemens Gamesa: Siemens Gamesa is a firm that specializes in the production of wind turbines as well as the provision of services that are connected to wind power. More than 90 nations have received installations from this company totaling more than 100 GW of wind power capacity.

First Solar: First Solar is a company that specializes in producing thin-film solar panels, and it has been in business since the 1980s. The company has installed over thirty countries and twenty-five gigawatts (GW) of solar generating capacity.

General Electric: General Electric is a multinational business active in various industries, including the alternative energy sector. The company is not only involved in producing wind turbines and providing services connected to wind energy, but it is also developing new technologies for generating and storing renewable energy.

These are only a handful of the many manufacturing companies that are active in the field of renewable energy; the list could go on and on. It is reasonable to anticipate that, as the demand for renewable energy increases, many businesses will enter this field and create new technologies to satisfy the market’s requirements.

MR CFD Industrial Experience in the Renewable Energy Field

Following is an example of a Renewable Energy industrial project recently simulated and analyzed by MR CFD in cooperation with related companies.

Pelton Wheel Turbine

The discipline of renewable energy engineering makes substantial use of Pelton Wheel Turbines for hydropower generation. Numerical study and CFD simulation are essential tools for designing and optimizing these turbines, and they are utilized extensively in this sector. When modeling the operation of Pelton Wheel Turbines, one of the software programs that gets the most action is called ANSYS Fluent.

By examining the flow of water over the turbine blades and locating areas where improvements may be made, numerical study and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation can assist engineers in perfecting the Design of Pelton Wheel Turbines used to generate electricity. Because of this, hydropower generation, an essential component of the mix of renewable energy sources, has the potential to become more effective and efficient.

Regarding renewable energy engineering, industrial uses of Pelton Wheel Turbines include generating electricity from hydropower, a clean and renewable energy source. Off-grid applications, such as those found in isolated regions with limited access to conventional electricity, are another turbine use.

Engineers and researchers in the renewable energy engineering field can receive training in using ANSYS Fluent for Pelton Wheel Turbine simulation. Engineers can benefit from this program by developing the skills and knowledge necessary to apply CFD simulation and ANSYS Fluent to optimize the Design and Performance of Pelton Wheel Turbines.

In general, the application of numerical study, CFD simulation, and ANSYS Fluent in the field of renewable energy engineering can help to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Pelton Wheel Turbines, which in turn can lead to the generation of energy that is more sustainable and friendlier to the environment.

MR CFD  conducted numerous outsourced CFD simulation projects for industrial companies and research in Renewable Energy Engineering applications. With several years of experience simulating various problems in various CFD fields using ANSYS Fluent software, the MR CFD is ready to offer extensive  CFD Simulation, Training, and Consultation services.

You may find the Learning Products in the Renewable Energy Engineering CFD simulation category in Training Shop. You can also benefit from Renewable Energy Engineering Training Packages appropriate for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced users of ANSYS Fluent. Also, MR CFD is presenting the most comprehensive Renewable Energy Engineering Training Course for all ANSYS Fluent users from Beginner to Experts.

Our services are not limited to the mentioned subjects. The MR CFD is ready to undertake different and challenging projects in the Renewable Energy Engineering modeling field ordered by our customers. We even carry out CFD simulations for any abstract or concept Design you have to turn them into reality and even help you reach the best strategy for what you may have imagined. You can benefit from MR CFD expert Consultation for free and then Outsource your Industrial and Academic CFD project to be simulated and trained.

By outsourcing your project to MR CFD as a CFD simulation consultant, you will not only receive the related project’s resource files (Geometry, Mesh, Case & Data, …), but also you will be provided with an extensive tutorial video demonstrating how you can create the geometry, mesh, and define the needed settings(pre-processing, processing, and post-processing) in the ANSYS Fluent software. Additionally, post-technical support is available to clarify issues and ambiguities.


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