ANSYS Meshing: ALL Levels
Price: Free
In this course, you will thoroughly learn how to mesh a 2D/3D geometry model to be used for your CFD/structural simulation stage. Namely, different types of mesh/grids including, unstructured, hybrid, structured, and multiple ways how to carry each out are illustrated. You will be first familiarized with different types of mesh and the geometries over which these specific mesh types are applied. Then building upon that knowledge, we will teach you the tricks and tips on how to create the mentioned mesh or grids.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates after the end of the Course can work well with this software to generate high-quality mesh for the geometries required for CFD works.

ANSYS Meshing: ALL Levels
In this course, you will thoroughly learn how to mesh a 2D/3D geometry model to be used for your CFD/structural simulation stage. Namely, different types of mesh/grids including, unstructured, hybrid, structured, and multiple ways how to carry each out are illustrated. You will be first familiarized with different types of mesh and the geometries over which these specific mesh types are applied. Then building upon that knowledge, we will teach you the tricks and tips on how to create the mentioned mesh or grids.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates after the end of the Course can work well with this software to generate high-quality mesh for the geometries required for CFD works.
Section 1
Global Settings
This episode aims to the introduction of ANSYS Meshing software including the software work environment and introduces the structured and unstructured mesh.
Episode 1 4m 13s Free Episode -
This Episode aims to talk about Global Settings in ANSYS Meshing software.
Episode 2 16m 55s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about Adaptive & Non-Adaptive under Sizing Method.
Episode 3 14m 52s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about Inflation Options from Global Settings.
Episode 5 8m 44s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about Advanced Statistics.
Episode 6 1m 13s Free Episode
Section 2
Mesh Generation Methods
This episode aims to talk about tetrahedron mesh generation.
Episode 1 10m 49s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about Hex-Dominant mesh generation.
Episode 2 10m 49s -
This episode aims to talk about body fitted cartesian mesh.
Episode 5 5m 19s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about leyerd tetrahedron mesh.
Episode 6 3m 9s Free Episode
Section 3
Section 4
Mesh Tools
Section 5
Advanced Meshing
This episode aims to talk about some advanced meshing features.
Episode 1 18m 50s Free Episode -
This episode aims to talk about additional advanced meshing features.
Episode 2 15m 36s Free Episode
Meshing is the process of breaking down the continuous geometric space of an object into thousands or more shapes so as to properly define its physical form. Meshing has a significant role when it comes to the engineering simulation process. Computers cannot solve simulations on the CAD model’s actual geometry shape as the governing equations cannot be applied to an arbitrary shape. Mesh elements allow governing equations to be solved on predictably shaped and mathematically defined volumes. Creating a high-quality mesh is one of the most critical factors that should be considered to ensure simulation accuracy. A more detailed mesh will result in a more accurate CAD model, which allows for accurate simulations.
ANSYS Meshing is one of the grid generation software provided by Ansys Company. This software includes advanced mesh generation as well as mesh diagnostics and repair functions useful for in-depth analysis. It offers mesh generation with the capacity to compute meshes with various different structures depending on the user's requirements. It is a powerful and highly manipulative software that allows the user to generate grids of high resolution.
Your Learning
In this course, you will thoroughly learn how to mesh a 2D/3D geometry model to be used for your CFD/structural simulation stage. Namely, different types of mesh/grids including, unstructured, hybrid, structured, and multiple ways how to carry each out are illustrated. You will be first familiarized with different types of mesh and the geometries over which these specific mesh types are applied. Then building upon that knowledge, we will teach you the tricks and tips on how to create the mentioned mesh or grids.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates after the end of the Course can work well with this software to generate high-quality mesh for the geometries required for CFD works.
Recommended Background
No previous Ansys Meshing experience is required but some background knowledge of the basic principles of CAD and CFD/FEA is desirable.
Course Format
This Course is presented using video lessons. Each of the videos is a mixer of presentations and training snippets recorded from the software environment.
Time Duration
The content of this course is approximately hours of instructional video.
This Course contains video lessons and final projects to get a certificate after finishing the Course.
This course is divided into five main lessons and some sub-lessons. You strongly recommend that you do not skip any of the sections even if you feel you know the content.
Chapter 1: Introduction & Global Settings
In this chapter, at first, you will be introduced to the ANSYS Meshing software work environment and then the structured and unstructured grids. Then you will be familiarized with global settings in ANSYS Meshing software including adaptive&non-adaptive, examine the quality of the generated mesh, and capture curvature/proximity and inflation.
Chapter 2: Mesh Generation Methods
Generally, in this chapter, you will learn about different types of mesh generation including tetrahedron mesh generation, hex-dominant mesh generation, sweep method, multizone method, cartesian method, and layered tetrahedron method, and how to create them. Methods
Chapter 3: Sizing
This chapter aims to introduce sizing methods including vertex sizing ( sphere of influence method), edge sizing ( bias option), face sizing, and body sizing (body of influence method).
Chapter 4: Mesh Tools
In this chapter, you will continue to learn about some mesh tools like contact sizing, refinement option, face meshing, mesh copy, match copy, pinch, and inflation option
Chapter 5: Advanced Meshing
This is the last chapter, and in this chapter, you will learn some advanced strategies to create structured mesh over complex geometries alongside creating a hybrid mesh. In this chapter, you will be familiarized with structured O-grid mesh in cylindrical geometries, structured C-grid mesh for airfoils, and Hybrid mesh type for geometries containing both solid and fluid domains.
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