Electrolysis CFD Simulation Concepts in ANSYS Fluent


  • Introduction to the Electrolysis models in ANSYS Fluent software
  • Introduction to the “Fuel Cell and Electrolysis” model (“Electrolysis” sub-models)
  • Introduction to the “Potential/Electrochemistry” model (“PEM Electrolysis” and “Alkaline Electrolysis” sub-models)
  • Introduction to the construction of the electrolyzer and its components
  • Introduction to the electrochemistry concepts and electrochemical reactions
  • Introduction to the governing equations of the electrolysis process
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This video aims to talk about Electrolysis Concepts. This chapter will give you a general introduction to electrolysis and an overview of electrolysis modeling in ANSYS Fluent.

This product is the first chapter of the Electrolysis Training Course.

We introduce the working environment of the electrolysis models in ANSYS Fluent. This introduction will be detailed and comprehensive So that you will not have any questions after reading it.

There are two different modules for electrolysis modeling in the Ansys Fluent software, including:

  • Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Model
  • Potential / Electrochemistry Model

Using these two modules, we can simulate three electrolysis models, including:

  • ّHigh-Temperature Electrolysis Model
  • PEM Electrolysis Model
  • Alkaline Electrolysis Model

The Electrolysis sub-model is available in the Fuel Cell and Electrolysis module for high-temperature modeling. The Fuel Cell and Electrolysis model is an add-on module in Fluent software.

The PEM Electrolysis sub-model and PEM Electrolysis sub-model are available in the Potential/Electrochemistry module for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) modeling and alkaline modeling, respectively.

We introduced all these electrolysis models comprehensively and in detail.

In the first step, we provide a comprehensive description of the electrolysis concepts:

  • we present a schematic of the electrolyzer configuration and introduce different layers of it.
  • we describe the boundary conditions related to the electrolyzer.
  • we discuss the electrochemistry concepts and electrochemical reactions taking place in the electrolysis process.
  • we compare different electrolysis types

In the next step, we explain about setting up the different Electrolysis modules in ANSYS Fluent software:

  • setting up the Electrolysis sub-model in the Fuel Cell and Electrolysis module
  • setting up the PEM Electrolysis sub-model in the Potential/Electrochemistry module
  • setting up the Alkaline Electrolysis sub-model in the Potential/Electrochemistry module


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