Eulerian Multiphase Model Concepts in ANSYS Fluent


  • Eulerian model applications & applicability
  • Regime transition modeling
  • Boiling model
  • Interfacial area concentration VS. Algebraic interfacial area
  • Applicable forces
  • Turbulent interaction & models
  • Euler-Granular model
  • Summary
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Introduction to Eulerian Multiphase Model Concepts

This tutorial aims to introduce and talk about the Eulerian Multiphase Model Concepts. You will first see a general introduction to the Eulerian Multiphase model and an overview of available simulation techniques and sub-models of the Eulerian in ANSYS Fluent.

This product is the first chapter of the Eulerian Multiphase Model Training Course.

This section contains the following subsections:

  • Eulerian model applications & applicability
  • Regime transition modeling
    • AIAD sub-model
    • GENTOP sub-model
  • Boiling model
    • RPI boiling model
  • Interfacial area concentration VS. Algebraic interfacial area
  • Applicable forces
    • Drag
    • Lift
    • Wall lubrication
  • Turbulent interaction & models
    • Mixture
    • Dispersed
    • Per-phase
  • Euler-Granular model
    • Granular temperature
    • Packed beds
  • Summary


This tutorial video is the 1st episode of the Eulerian Multiphase Model Training Course.


  1. Avatar Of Dr. Yasmine Goodwin I

    Dr. Yasmine Goodwin I

    I really enjoyed the first chapter of the Eulerian Multiphase Model Training Course. The introduction to various sub-models and the detailed explanations helped me understand the complexities of multiphase flows and their simulation in ANSYS Fluent.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback on the Eulerian Multiphase Model course’s first chapter! We’re delighted to know that it enhanced your understanding of multiphase flow simulations in ANSYS Fluent. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

  2. Avatar Of Tristian Williamson

    Tristian Williamson

    Does this introductory tutorial cover the application of the boiling model in engineering scenarios?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Yes, this introductory tutorial includes an overview of the boiling model, specifically the RPI boiling model. It also touches on other boiling sub-models and their potential applications in real-world engineering scenarios.

  3. Avatar Of Mr. Terrence Kling

    Mr. Terrence Kling

    I truly enjoyed the introductory chapter. It was well-structured and the examples helped me understand the basic concepts. Thumbs up for the clear explanation!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! We’re delighted to hear you found the tutorial helpful and clear. Stay tuned for more engaging and informative content!

  4. Avatar Of Amani Marks

    Amani Marks

    The introductory tutorial sounds comprehensive. Could you clarify what ‘AIAD submodel’ stands for in this context?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Of course! ‘AIAD’ stands for Algebraic Interfacial Area Density. It is a sub-model within the Eulerian Multiphase Model framework used in ANSYS Fluent to calculate the interfacial area concentration based on algebraic relations that consider the local flow conditions.

  5. Avatar Of Daron Bauch

    Daron Bauch

    I was glad to begin with the Eulerian Multiphase Model Concepts tutorial. The overview of simulation techniques helped to clarify different approaches. Can you tell me more about how the GENTOP sub-model differs from the AIAD sub-model?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Certainly! The GENTOP sub-model in ANSYS Fluent is designed for dealing with generalized two-phase flow topology. GENTOP can model situations where phase distribution isn’t clearly separated by distinct interfaces and considers topological transitions between a dispersed and a separated phase. On the other hand, the AIAD (Algebraic Interfacial Area Density) sub-model focuses on calculating the interfacial area density of dispersed phases algebraically without explicitly tracking the interface, providing a simpler and usually faster but less detailed approach than regime-specific modeling.

  6. Avatar Of Vince Kris

    Vince Kris

    What are the major differences between the AIAD and GENTOP sub-models mentioned?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      In the Eulerian Multiphase model, the AIAD sub-model is used for calculating interfacial area density by accounting for bubble coalescence and breakup mechanisms, while instructions wearing the awards Ya the Many NikolaIn contrast, the GENTOP sub-model focuses on generalized two-phase flow treatment, suitable for predicting flow regime transitions over a range of input conditions.

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