Hydraulic Jump of Water in Rectangular Channel, ANSYS Fluent Training

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In this project, hydraulic jump of water flow in a rectangular channel is analyzed.

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Hydraulic Jump Problem description

In this project, hydraulic jump of water flow is analyzed by ANSYS Fluent software. The VOF approach is utilized in order to efficiently simulate the water flow inside ambient air. Hydraulic jump is of great importance in agricultural applications and open channel flows where water flow, after certain distance which can be solved for using analytical equation, undergoes significant decrease in velocity and increase in flow height. In the present work, water flow with two different mass flow inlets is analyzed, 50 and 65 kg/s. hydraulic jump occurs in 0.9 and 2.8 m downstream the flow for cases with water mass flow rate equal to 50 and 65 kg/s.

Geometry and mesh

Geometry of fluid domain is designed in Design Modeler and computational grid is generated using ANSYS Meshing. Mesh type is structured and element number is 231,646.

Hydraulic JumpHydraulic Jump

Solver configuration

Critical assumptions:

  • Solver type is assumed Pressure Based.
  • Time formulation is assumed Steady.
  • Gravity effects are considered as -9.81 m/s2 in Y direction.

The following table a summary of the defining steps of the problem and its solution.

Viscous K-epsilon model Standard
Near wall treatment standard wall treatment
Multiphase (Volume of Fluid) Volume fraction parameters Implicit
Body force formulation Implicit body force
Number of Eulerian phases 2
Fluid Definition method Fluent Database
Material name Air
Material name Water
Boundary conditions
Inlet_air Type Pressure inlet
Gauge pressure zero
Inlet_water Type Mass flow inlet
Mass flow 50 and 80 kg/s
Solver configurations
Pressure-velocity coupling Scheme SIMPLE
Spatial discretization Gradient Least square cell-based
Pressure PRESTO!
Momentum Second order Upwind
Volume fraction Modified HRIC
K First order Upwind
Epsilon First order Upwind

Hydraulic Jump Results and discussion

Distance downstream of water flow where hydraulic jump takes place is equal to 0.9 and 2.8 m for water flows equal to 50 and 80 kg/s.


  1. Dr. Virgil Boyle

    Can the simulation model the effects of different upstream flow conditions on the hydraulic jump?

    • MR CFD Support

      Yes, the simulation can be adjusted to model different upstream flow conditions, such as flow depth and velocity. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of the hydraulic jump under various operating conditions.

  2. Llewellyn Harber

    Can the simulation model the effects of different channel slopes on the hydraulic jump?

    • MR CFD Support

      Yes, the geometry of the channel in the simulation can be easily modified to study the effects of different channel slopes on the hydraulic jump.

  3. Katelyn Bergnaum

    How does the simulation handle the turbulence generated by the hydraulic jump?

    • MR CFD Support

      The simulation uses a turbulence model, such as the k-epsilon or k-omega model, to accurately capture the turbulence generated by the hydraulic jump. This ensures an accurate prediction of the flow behavior downstream of the jump.

  4. Christopher Lang

    Can this simulation predict the location of the hydraulic jump?

    • MR CFD Support

      Yes, the simulation can predict the location of the hydraulic jump based on the upstream flow conditions. It provides detailed information about the water depth and velocity, which can be used to identify the location of the hydraulic jump.

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