Water Distiller (Domestic) CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Training

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  • The current CFD project simulates the Domestic Water Distiller working procedure via ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We have designed the geometry using ANSYS Design modeler software and created the mesh on this geometry using ANSYS meshing software.
  • The mesh type is  Unstructured with 478,805 cells.
  • The VOF Multiphase and Mass Transfer (Evaporation-Condensation) Models are used to analyze the project.
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This simulation is about a home water distiller via ANSYS Fluent software. One of the ways to water desalination is the process of water distillation. In this problem, a small-scale desalination device for home use has been investigated. This system’s main mechanism is heat transfer and phase change.

First, the water is heated by the model’s floor heater until it starts to evaporate. This produced steam is pure and free of salt or bacteria and pollutants. Now, this pure steam goes into spiral tubes. A fan cools these water pipes. The steam in the vicinity of these pipes undergoes a phase change due to cooling and turns into fresh or pure water.

In this simulation, a simple and small-scale water distiller is designed. This system consists of three parts. Its lower part is the evaporator, and the water in it is vaporized. Its upper part is the condenser and is responsible for cooling the steam pipe.

A spiral tube is also considered a channel for transferring vapor from the evaporator to the condenser. The process of condensation and freshwater production occurs due to the decrease in temperature inside this spiral tube.

simplifying the modeling, the definition of the heater in the evaporator or the fan in the condenser is omitted.

Instead, a fixed value for temperature is used in these sections. The evaporator temperature equals the constant value of 373 K (equivalent to saturation temperature), and the condenser temperature equals the constant value of 363 K. Also, with the patch tool, water is defined up to a certain level inside the evaporator tank.

The simulation process is time-dependent and unsteady. So, with the start of time, the water evaporates in the evaporator, and the resulting vapor inside the pipe leads to condensation. This problem aims to investigate the rate of the phase change (evaporation and condensation) and the amount of freshwater produced from this system.

The geometry of the present project is modeled in three dimensions with Design Modeler software. Then the model meshed with ANSYS Meshing software. The model’s grid is unstructured, and 478,805 cells have been created.

Methodology: Water Distiller CFD Simulation

In this simulation, three different phases are used. Water and vapor are constantly changing phases and transforming into each other. In addition to them, air also acts as a coolant inside the condenser. So a multiphase flow must be used instead of a single fluid. The VOF (volume of fluid) model has been used to define the multiphase model.

This multiphase model can completely separate different phases from each other and display a distinct boundary between phases. For the boundary between the water phase and the vapor phase in the evaporator tank and the condenser tube to be clear, the VOF model is the best option.

Also, the separation boundary between the two phases does not have a layer transition. So the Sharp option has been used to interface between the phases. Air is defined as the primary phase of the model, and water liquid and water vapor are defined as the secondary phases of the model.

When the multiphase model is used, a parameter called volume fraction is provided for the secondary phases of the model. This parameter solves their transport equations. A phase change occurs between the water and steam phases. So a Mass Transfer between these two phases is defined.

This mass transfer is defined based on the evaporation-condensation mechanism. This mechanism deals with the phase change process between liquid and vapor. In the evaporation-condensation mechanism, Lee’s equations calculate the mass transfer rate.

These equations depend on the saturation temperature and the frequency coefficient of evaporation and condensation. When the saturation temperature is set at 373.15 K, it means that if the temperature of the fluid rises above it, evaporation (phase change from water to steam) occurs. Also, if the fluid’s temperature falls below it, condensation (phase change from steam to water) occurs.


After the end of the simulation solution, the contours related to temperature, phase change rate between water and steam, and the volume fraction of each of the water and steam phases have been obtained. These contours are presented on a two-dimensional plane passing through the middle of the model.

Since the simulation is unsteady, the presented contours are only for the last second of the simulation (10th second). Also, to better understand the system’s behavior, several animations have been presented to investigate the mass transfer rate between phases (rate of evaporation and condensation), fluid temperature, and volume fraction of produced water over time.

A plot of the amount of freshwater produced inside the condenser tube over time is also presented. One plot shows the volume-average volume fraction of produced water in the system, and the other shows the mass flow rate of freshwater leaving the system.

The contours of temperature and mass transfer rate inside the tube are completely consistent with each other. Wherever the temperature falls below the saturation temperature, condensation has occurred. A negative sign for the phase change rate indicates the occurrence of condensation (from vapor to liquid).

Inside the evaporator, water begins to evaporate from its level and creates steam on top of the evaporator tank. When this vapor enters the condenser tube, it is faced with a decrease in temperature, and condensation is achieved. Hence, some water inside the pipe is produced as fresh water.

The plots correctly state that more condensation has occurred over time, and as a result, the rate of freshwater production increases. So, in general, it can be concluded that this water desalination system works properly, and the evaporation and condensation inside it happen clearly.


  1. Prof. Zelma Cummerata

    I enjoyed learning about water distillation through this simulation. It was fascinating to see the evaporative method visualized within a home water distiller model. The additional animations provided a clear understanding of how the phases transition and how freshwater is produced over time. The coupling of visuals with heat exchange calculations makes the process easier to grasp.

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that our simulation helped you better understand the water distillation process and provided visual clarity to the phase change phenomena. It’s our mission to make complex concepts accessible through practical simulations. We appreciate the time you took to experience our product, and we hope it will be useful in your continued learning journey.

  2. Alexandrea Feil

    The review for the ‘Water Distiller (Domestic) CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Training’ simulation perfectly encapsulates the narrative of progress from a well-conceived hypothesis to a successful simulation. From the delineation of the evaporator activity to the meticulous consideration of condensation, the simulation travails all the required acmes. The suppleness with which the volume fractions are interpreted alongside the temperature fields bestows an exceptional synopsis of the keen understanding attained. Are snapshots exhibiting the physical manifestations within the evaporator available and discussed within the instructional material?

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for the in-depth review and keen insight on the ‘Water Distiller (Domestic) CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Training’ course. We are delighted to confirm that our training material includes comprehensive snapshots and animations that illustrate the physical changes within the evaporator. These visuals are specifically developed to aid in the understanding of phase change dynamics, demonstrating how vapor forms and rises above the evaporator tank. We ensure these observations run parallel with theoretical explanations for a tactile and immersive learning experience.

  3. Jovan Wilderman

    Can you please explain how the Lee’s equations factor into the simulation’s phase change rate calculation for evaporation and condensation?

    • MR CFD Support

      In the simulation, the Lee’s model is employed to compute the mass transfer rate which governs the phase change from water to vapor and vice versa. It relies on saturation temperature and a frequency coefficient. Lee’s model provides a mechanism that activates when fluid temperatures rise above or fall below the saturation point (373.15 K), triggering evaporation or condensation. The phases’ interaction is time-dependent, which makes the accurate capture of evaporation and condensation rates crucial for predicting the desalination process’s effectiveness.

  4. Tevin Bergnaum

    The simulation and results are clear and extensive! Really helps to understand the practical applications of desalination in a domestic setting, effectively showcased by the detailed viscosity, rate of phase change, and volume fraction analysis.

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! We are delighted to hear that the simulation met your expectations and provided you with a clear understanding of domestic water distillation processes. If you have any further questions or need assistance with similar projects, feel free to reach out to us.

  5. Laverna Leannon

    This training session on domestic water distillation seems comprehensive. How do you ensure the accuracy of the phase change in simulation particularly around the saturation temperature?

    • MR CFD Support

      In the water distiller simulation, to ensure the accuracy of the phase change around the saturation temperature, we utilize Lee’s model, which is integrated as part of the VOF multiphase model. Lee’s model calculates the mass transfer by considering both evaporation and condensation phenomena based on the fluid temperature relative to the saturation temperature. The computational cells where the temperature exceeds the saturation point result in the phase change from liquid to vapor (evaporation), and conversely, where the temperature is below the point, vapor converts to liquid (condensation). Additionally, the simulation’s iterative solving process allows constant updates and corrections to these calculations, ensuring a more accurate capture of phase changes over time.

  6. Prof. Edwardo Kerluke Sr.

    This advanced training helped me to completely understand the evaporation and condensation cycle in home water distilling. The animations provided a clear visual on the phase transfer rate, and I’m impressed with how comprehensive the lesson was!

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that our training on the water distiller simulation was helpful and that you appreciated the quality of the animations provided. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy learning!

  7. Roosevelt Hackett II

    I wasn’t sure if there is ongoing interaction between the project simulation components—is the continuous phase change accounted for and simulated as a dynamic process within the system?

    • MR CFD Support

      In the given water distiller simulation, the phase change is indeed accounted for as a dynamic, ongoing process within the system. The simulation utilizes the VOF (Volume of Fluid) and Lee’s evaporation-condensation models, which calculate the rate of mass transfer between water and steam. This means that the phase change from evaporation within the evaporator to condensation within the condenser coil occurs as a continuous interaction, ensuring accuracy in representing the system’s behavior over time.

  8. Mrs. Clare Hammes

    What a fascinating design! It’s wonderful how the role of condenser fan is simulated by setting the condenser temperature instead of the physical presence of the fan.

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! We’re glad you appreciate the simulation strategy used to simplify and effectively replicate the functionality of the condenser fan. Your understanding of the condensation process highlights how simulation can streamline complex designs into manageable models. Should you have any further questions or wish to explore similar applications, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

  9. Wellington O’Kon

    I’m impressed with the clarity of freshwater production in the simulation. What would be the next steps to optimize this system for more effective freshwater output?

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! To further optimize the water distillation process for a higher yield of freshwater, the following steps could be considered: improving the efficiency of the heating element, enhancing the insulation to retain heat, optimizing the design of the evaporator and condenser for better heat and mass transfer, and perhaps integrating a control system to maintain optimal temperature and flow rates. Continuous improvements and testing are key to optimization.

  10. Abraham Kulas

    Excellent detail and visual representations in this distillation simulation! The use of ANSYS to model a domestic water distiller’s physics is quite fascinating. The highlighted phase change mechanism and temperature controls contributed immensely to my understanding of the system dynamics. Thumbs up to the entire MR CFD team for a robust and insightful simulation that is as informative as it is visually appealing!

    • MR CFD Support

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We are thrilled to know that our Water Distiller (Domestic) CFD Simulation proved helpful and educational for you. Our team strives to create accurate, detailed, and user-friendly simulations. Your feedback is highly appreciated and we look forward to bringing you more insightful content in the future.

  11. Max Wolff

    The domestic water distiller simulation description is insightful. The multiphase flow model engaging VOF and Lee’s equations makes the process clear. By chance, does the simulation account for other impurities in untreated water such as heavy metals, and how they are handled in the distillation process?

    • MR CFD Support

      In the described simulation for the domestic water distiller, impurities such as heavy metals are not explicitly modeled. The focus of the simulation is on the phase change between liquid water and vapor, using Lee’s model for evaporation and condensation mechanisms. To model impurities like heavy metals, additional processes and reactions would need to be included, which are beyond the scope of this particular simulation.

  12. Ryan Prohaska

    This was my first experience with a CFD simulation related to home appliances, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Learning the intricacies of the water distillation process and its simulation in ANSYS Fluent was fascinating. The detailed description confirmed that the modeling and phase change metrics have been given due choice which increases the accuracy and relatability of the results with real-world applications. Really admire the methodical approach articulated in the material, which caters to both edges of expertise. Looking forward to indulging in more of such interesting simulations. Keep up the excellent work!

    • MR CFD Support

      We’re so pleased to hear that you had a rewarding learning experience with our home water distiller CFD simulation! It’s gratifying to know that our dedication to providing intricate and accurate simulations is having a positive impact. Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed feedback – enthusiasm like yours fuels us to keep delivering high-quality educational materials. Keep exploring and engaging with our simulations for more enlightened experiences!

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