ANSYS Comsol

ANSYS Fluent vs. Other CFD Softwares

ANSYS Fluent vs. other CFD software: A comparison of features and capabilities ANSYS Fluent is a popular computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation tool, but it is not the only available option. Other CFD software packages, such as COMSOL Multiphysics and…

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ANSYS Fluent In Aerospace Industry

ANSYS Fluent in the aerospace industry: Applications and case studies ANSYS Fluent is a powerful tool for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. It is widely used in the aerospace industry to analyze and optimize the performance of aircraft and spacecraft…

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Tips for Running Large-scale Simulations on HPCs

ANSYS Fluent and HPC: Tips for running large-scale simulations on high-performance computing systems ANSYS Fluent is a powerful tool for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, but it can be resource-intensive, particularly when simulating large or complex problems. High-performance computing (HPC)…

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DPM Boundary Conditions

Discrete Phase Model (DPM): Boundary Conditions

Introduction This article discusses DPM boundary conditions, including reflect, trap, escape, wall-jet and wall-film. Discrete phase boundary condition In discrete phase simulations, the interaction between particles and walls is essential to significantly predict a particle’s fate because wall impingement may…

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Y+ and Grid Types

What is Meshing in ANSYS? grid means converting the computational domain to smaller subdomains to solve momentum, turbulence, and energy equations and finally obtain results for all levels of the simulated model. Introduction It is critical to creating a high-quality…

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